Spain is one of the world‘s largest producers of wind energy with one of the largest installed wind capacities of over 27GW in 2020. This number shows enormous growth over the years: In 2006, the installed capacity was at only 11,416MW and has nearly tripled since then. In this article, we present our top three wind investors in Spain.
1) Enel Green Power (Rome, Italy)
Enel Green Power is an Italian renewable energy corporation with headquarters in Rome. Founded in 2008 as a subsidiary of the power generation firm Enel, the company has grown substantially over the years. The globally active company has a large portfolio of projects, ranging from solar to biomass, hydro, and onshore and offshore wind. It manages a capacity of 56,3 GW renewable energy assets from over 1200 plants worldwide. In Spain specifically, Enel Green Power has a project pipeline of 2.8GW coming from Spanish wind. Currently, the company manages 9,390MW of renewable capacity in Spain, including 2,546MW of wind power. In May 2022, the Spanish arm of the company launched the largest wind farm in Spain. The 180 MW “Tico Wind” plant, placed in Villar de los Navarros cost the company a €181m investment.
2) QualitasEnergy (Madrid, Spain)
Qualitas Energy is a fund management firm specialised in renewable energy investments. Founded in 2006, the Madrid and Berlin-based company is already active internationally and has managed investments of over €11 billion in renewable energy assets overall. Through four different funds, the private equity firm offers various investments in renewable energy assets, including wind and solar energy. The company’s existing portfolio comprises over 3.3 GW of renewable energy assets, including 1.5 GW of wind assets across Spain, Italy, Germany, Poland and the UK.
3) Iberblue Wind (Madrid, Spain)
Madrid-based IberBlue Wind is a joint venture which specialises in designing, developing and managing floating offshore wind farms for the Iberian market. In Spain, the company wants to develop 2GW of floating offshore wind because of the country‘s great wind resources. The company‘s strategy for the Spanish market is to take part in public auctions for offshore areas and reach 2GW through developing floating wind farms that generate over 500MW.
Image: Luca Bravo via Unsplash (27.04.2023)