List of the 150 largest PV-Installers Italy [2024]

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Last update: 7th July, 2024

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PV Installers Italy

List of 3 large PV-Installers in Italy [2024]

Italy, a country with a reputation for sunshine and breathtaking landscapes, is witnessing a notable increase in the use of renewable energy sources. In particular solar power is receiving considerable attention as a potentially viable solution for a more sustainable future. In the following we will highlight three large PV-Installers in Italy.

1. Albasolar S.r.l. (Alba)

Albasolar was established in 2005 and has since completed over 3000 installations in Italy, surpassing the 300 MW installed and operational energy systems threshold, comprising 150 MW of service support, encompassing rooftop and ground-mounted photovoltaic systems, energy systems, and photovoltaic hybrid systems with cogeneration, managed by the Aspectindustry software. In the last ten years the company has invested significantly in research and development, particularly in hybrid photovoltaic/CHP energy systems and proprietary energy management systems and submitted two crucial EU/US patent applications. Albasolar’s experience caters to the diverse needs of residential, commercial, and even utility-scale clients. The company works with the most prominent companies in the region, including Ferrero SpA, Miroglio SpA, Martini Rossi SpA, and many more.

2. KSI Solar Srl (Milan)

KSI Solar has established a distinctive position in the Italian renewable energy sector by focusing on the development and implementation of advanced solar tracking technology. These intelligent systems are programmed to automatically adjust the angle of the solar panels throughout the day in order to align them with the sun’s trajectory. This maximizes the energy production in comparison to fixe systems, particularly in regions characterized by significant seasonal variations in sun angles. To date the company has installed more than 5.000.000 solar panels with an installed capacity of 1.900 MWp. An example project of KSI Solar is the 3.7 MWp Dual Axis Solar Plant in Piemonte, Italy.

3. Enerpoint Srl (Milan)

Enerpoint was founded in 2001 and has since then established itself as a prominent player in Italy’s burgeoning solar energy sector. The company offers residential and commercial solar installations and acts as an EPC Contractor for larger-scale installations. After an installation Enerpoint offers ongoing maintenance and monitoring services to ensure peak performance of the installations. The company’s portfolio includes an overall installed capacity of about 1.000 MW. Enerpoint is a founding member of Italia Solare, which is regarded as the preeminent association for the Italian photovoltaics industry. Notable project examples include the largest solar plant in Europe, situated in L’Aquila and comprising 6.2 MWp installed on 144 buildings of the “Houses Project”. Additionally, the largest photovoltaic greenhouse on the world at the time, located in Narbolia, with a capacity of 26 MWp.

PV Installers Italy

Included columns in our Italian PV-Installer database

  • Company Name
  • Legal form
  • URL
  • Country
  • City
  • Postcode
  • Address
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Top Installer
  • Management
  • Regional focus
  • Entry added
  • Last reviewed
  • Last updated

In some cases, data can be missing due to unavailability (e.g. no management names were available). In these cases, we indicate the fields in the list as “n.a.”

Picture Sources: Unsplash+ & Derek Sutton (09.07.2024)


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