List of 3 green infrastructure investors from Switzerland

List of 3 green infrastructure investors from Switzerland

This article is based on our list of the largest renewable energy investors in Europe containing general contact details, company details as well as information about the asset focus and investor type. The list also offers personal contact information.

Similar to neighbouring European countries, Switzerland has outlined ambitions to be net-zero by 2050. In order to fulfil such goals, widespread investments in green infrastructure is required. As part of their plans, Switzerland plans to triple the installed capacity of wind and solar by 2035. In 2021, renewable energy sources accounted for 26% of energy produced with the majority coming from hydro plants. In this article, we will discuss 3 green infrastructure investors who will play a role in the transition.

1) B Capital Partners – Wind, hydro, solar, and storage investor based in Zurich

Founded in 2003, B Capital Partners specialises in sustainable infrastructure investments. Since 2010, the group have either invested or advised investors in deals involving green infrastructure worth over €2.6bn. In July 2022, the B Capital Energy Transition Infrastructure fund invested in a German solar project with an installed capacity of 10MW. The project was acquired from developer Green City and aligns with the sustainability strategy of the Swiss group.

2) Energy Infrastructure Partners – Wind, solar, and hydro investor based in Zurich

The Swiss group was founded with the sole purpose of investing in energy infrastructure. Energy Infrastructure Partners have established numerous funds and currently manage the largest energy infrastructure fund in Switzerland. The Swiss Energy Infrastructure fund has invested over CHF 1.7bn across various projects and assets.

3) Partners Group – Wind investor based in Baar

Since its inception in 1996, Partners Group has been a leading global private market investment firm. To date, the group has invested over $195bn in numerous ventures such as private equity, private debt, real estate, and infrastructure. The Swiss giant employs over 1,800 staff worldwide across 20 offices. In 2020, the group acquired the VSB group which at the time had developed over 1GW of solar and wind projects as well as managing an additional 1.4GW of wind projects.

Image Source: Jason Blackeye via Unsplash (15.02.2023)