List of 3 large renewables EPC companies in Italy

Italy Milano Rome renewable construction players

This article is based on our list of the largest renewable energy EPC companies in Europe; containing general contact details, company details as well as information about asset focus. The list also holds personal contact information.

In the dynamic landscape of renewables EPC companies in Italy, we bring into focus three industry leaders: STE Energy S.r.l., Belenergia S.p.A., and Eurogroup S.p.A. Each company possesses unique strengths in the renewables sector. This article delves into their specialties, portfolio capacities, and geographic presence, providing valuable insights for those exploring renewable energy solutions.

1) STE Energy S.r.l. – Solar and Storage EPC in Padova

Headquartered in Padova, STE Energy S.r.l. is a prominent Italian renewables EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) company. The company specialises in advanced solar power systems, hydro systems and energy storage. Their impressive portfolio capacity demonstrates a commitment to cutting-edge renewables solutions: They carried out over 450 projects in 30 countries, with a regional focus on Europe, Africa and Latin America. Thanks to this experience, STE Energy has extensive engineering knowledge and excels in project management in different contexts. Thus, the company actively contributes to the international renewables landscape.

2) Belenergia S.p.A. – Milano-based firm with EPC office in Bolzano

Belenergia S.p.A. excels in onshore wind, solar and biomass energy solutions within the renewables EPC domain. Belenergia does it all – developing, financing, constructing, and operating renewable energy units. Their substantial portfolio capacity emphasises their expertise: They have 150 MW of solar PV and wind, as well as 19 MW of biomass in operation and under construction. The company has their headquarters in Milano and their EPC office in Bolzano. Located strategically in Italy, Belenergia S.p.A. plays a pivotal role in advancing wind-based renewable energy in the nation and beyond.

3) Eurogroup S.p.A. – EPC company in Silea Treviso

Last on our list of important EPC companies in Italy is Eurogroup S.p.A.. It is a versatile renewables EPC company in Italy, with a focus on diverse renewable energy sources including solar, onshore wind and biomass. Their extensive portfolio underscores their commitment to the renewables sector. Situated in Silea Treviso, Eurogroup S.p.A. offers comprehensive renewable energy solutions on a global scale, contributing significantly to Italy’s sustainable power generation initiatives.

In summary, STE Energy S.r.l., Belenergia S.p.A., and Eurogroup S.p.A. are pivotal players in Italy’s renewables EPC landscape. Their distinctive strengths and substantial portfolio capacities fortify Italy’s position as a hub for innovative and sustainable energy solutions.

Image: Appolinary Kalashnikova via Unsplash (18.10.2023)