List of 3 renewable energy service providers in Germany

List of 3 renewable energy service provider in Germany

This article is based on our list of the largest service providers containing general contact details, company details as well as information about the service provider type.

Germany has been a pioneer in renewable energy in various analyses and is considered a driver of achieving climate neutrality. With expertise in wind energy, solar energy and biomass, the country in central Europe is also broadly positioned.

Accordingly, there is a high demand for service providers who advise, build and take care of existing plants. In the following article present three German renewable energy service providers.

1. wpd windmanager GmbH & Co. KG (Bremen, O&M)

wpd windmanager is a subsidiary of the wpd AG – a more than well-known German company in the wind energy market. The Bremen-based company is specialized in operation and maintenance, technical as well as commercial. The general focus is – as the name suggests – (onshore and offshore) wind energy. Operating worldwide, the service provider has worked together with roughly 530 wind parks.

2. PNE AG (Cuxhaven, O&M, IT-Services)

The PNE AG is a German service provider based in Cuxhaven. While being active in the development of renewable energy plants, the company also offers operation and maintenance as well as IT-Services and repowering and continued operation. Focusing on solar and wind parks – currently they manage over 750 wind energy parks (onshore and offshore plants) with a total of 1,6 GW installed capacity.

3. STEAG Energy Services GmbH (Essen, Consulting, Construction, O&M)

STEAG is one of Germanies most relevant player in the energy market. The Essen-based company is active in a variety of renewable energy sources, from solar energy to solar thermal and geothermal energy to biomass to wind energy. Their service portfolio is also broadly diversified – STEAG offers consulting, development, construction and operation and management of renewable energy plants. Through various subsidiaries the company is active worldwide.

Image Source: Unsplash, 22.11.2021