List of 3 Renewable Energy Startups founded in Spain

Renewable Energy startups based in Spain

This article is based on our list of the renewable energy startups in Europe containing general contact details, company details as well as information about the company focus. The list also offers personal contact information.

In the context of renewable energy, Spain is known for its optimum conditions for wind and solar energy generation. Not only global players have their headquarter in Spain, but also small renewable energy firm are based there. As the government has committed to installing at least 3,000 megawatts of wind and solar power capacity every year over ten years, this attracts young founders with innovative ideas in the renewable energy field to found their startup in Spain and pursue their business idea from there. In our open-access databank, we listed various Spanish Renewable Energy Startups – so feel free to discover future shaping business ideas. In the following, three of those innovative startups with headquarter in Spain will be presents by the team.

1) Rated Power (Madrid) 

The Startup with headquarter in Madrid strives to accelerate the energy photovoltaics by developing a software to automate and optimize the study, analysis, design, and engineering of photovoltaic plants in all its stages. With this approach, they enable to speed up the design and engineering processes of large-scale solar projects with the overall goal to reduce the construction costs of PV plants.

2) Fotowatio Renewable Ventures (Madrid) 

By harnessing the power of nature to democratize access to sustainable, clean energy, making it an economically viable choice for all, the Madrid based startup creates real world solutions that drive change and power toward a cleaner energy future. The team strives to become one of the world’s preferred green utility/energy platforms. 

3) Vortex Bladeless (Avila)

The Vortex Bladeless team reinvented the wind turbine market by developing a new and alternative approach to harness energy from wind. The different and exciting characteristics are enabling lower costs, environmentally friendly and generate efficient clean power. The technology which does not use blades, generates energy from wind though oscillation without gears, brakes nor oil. This evolution is harmless to wildlife and can quickly response to wind changes and current weather conditions.

Image Source: Unsplash, 01.12.2021