List of three Renewable Energy Developers based in India

Renewable Energy developers based in India

This article is based on our list of the largest renewable energy developers in Asia which contains general contact details, company details as well as information about development focus. The list also holds personal contact information.

Not only is India the world’s third largest consumer of electricity but also the third largest renewable energy producer. While the country is using various renewable energy resources, solar, hydro wind energy are the largest suppliers. Based on this steadily increasing development of sustainable energy, India has reached its NDC target – 40.1 % of the total installed electricity capacity is provided by non-fossil based installed energy capacity. Having this targeted capacity of 150GW achieved in 2021, India strives to generate 450GW by 2030. 

In this article we will present you three renewable energy developers with a registered office in India.

1. Sun Source Energy – solar specialist with unique technology approach

The Renewable Energy Developer with global head office in India realized over 100 projects across the globe and is known as globally active solar expert. By implementing solar energy projects in over 18 states in India, SunSource Energy always collaborates with top local-market professionals. By carving out a unique technological approach for solar plants in diverse environmental conditions, the India based firm works with multiple solar PV technologies including crystalline silicon and thin film to find situation-specific suitable solutions.

2. Ayana Renewable Power – developer for wind, solar, hybrid and RTC projects

With the strategic vision to create renewable energy capacity in the south Asian region, Ayana Renewable Power develops significant megawatts of renewable energy. By striving to add 2 GW of renewable energy per year, the India based renewable energy developer realizes projects including wind, solar, hybrid and RTC.  

3. Tata Power – largest power generation company in India

As largest power generation company in India, Tata Power realized together with its subsidiaries an energy generation capacity of 13.061 MW – 32% of those are traceable to clean energy sources. For seven years in a row, the India based energy firm is considered as number one solar rooftop EPC company and installed the world’s largest solar rooftop on a cricket stadium of 820.8 KWP in Mumbai. Furthermore, Tata Power established the very first public electric vehicle charging station in Mumbai as well as India’s first hydroelectric power generation station with a capacity of 40 MW.

Image Source: Unsplash, 01.03.2022