List of 3 wind farm developers from Île-de-France

Wind energy developer from Île-de-France

This article is based on our list of the largest wind energy developers in Europe which contains general contact details, company details as well as information about development focus. The list also holds personal contact information.

Wind energy is also on the rise in France. While Europe’s largest country in terms of area has promising conditions for onshore and offshore wind farms, especially due to its windy coastal regions, France still lags behind other European countries with about 81 offshore wind farms (in Germany, for example, there are already 1500 turbines). Wind energy is therefore a highly exciting field for project developers, especially due to its future viability. The following article introduces 3 project developers from Île-de-France specializing in wind energy.

1) Kallista Energy – Independent power producer from Paris

Kallista Energy is an independent power producer with a clear focus on wind project development. Founded in 2005, the company places great importance on working closely with the local community to ensure a seamless and successful realization that benefits everyone. Geographically, Kallista focuses on Europe and has projects mainly in France and Germany.

2) EDF Renewables – Paris-based renewable energy company

EDF Renewables specializes in renewable energy production and is active in 22 countries worldwide. By the end of 2020, the Paris-based company has nearly 10GW of installed capacity of wind energy projects. EDF develops both onshore and offshore projects – in Europe, France is the country with the most wind projects from the project developer founded in 1990.

3) Voltalia SA – Wind energy developer and IPP from Paris

Voltalia is an independent power producer headquartered in Paris. With approximately 1.4 GW of installed capacity, the project developer is one of the largest in France. Founded in 2005, the company has a broad portfolio, besides wind energy (both onshore and offshore), Voltalia also has expertise in solar, hydraulic and biomass energy. Active worldwide, the company operates in all steps of the value chain and therefore develops its own projects.

Image Source: Waldemar Brandt via Unsplash (23.01.2023)

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