List of 3 PV-Installers in Occitanie, France

PV-Installers from Occitanie, France

This article is based on our list of the largest PV-Installers in France which contains general contact details, company details as well as information about RGE certification. The list also holds personal contact information.

Renewable Energy is on the rise in all spheres of society. Generating green energy is a crucial component to tackle the climate change and photovoltaic energy is one of the most technologically advanced. Not only relevant for industrial sites, energy from the sun can also be of use for private household or communal energy consumption. The French region Occitanie is home to an abundance of PV-Installers, three of which are presented in the following article:

1. Mecoworks SARL, Saint-Lys

Mecoworks is a Saint-Lys based company that focuses on the installation of photovoltaic systems. The RGE-certified company offers a variety of different installations, starting from Ground-mounted plants, classic roof installations to agricultural greenhouses and car park canopies. The company was founded in 2009 and only works in the B-to-B Business.

2. Mecojit SARL, Capdenac-Gare

Mecojit is also a top installer of photovoltaic plants in France, mostly active in the southwest of France. The company has 1400 realised projects, which together account to 160 MWc of installed capacity. Mecojit focuses on rooftops photovoltaic panels and manage the entire process, starting with the development, construction and also the maintenance of their installations.

3. Tech’Solaire, Sainte-Foy-d’Aigrefeuille

Tech’Solaire is an RGE-certified photovoltaic installer from Sainte-Foy-d’Aigrefeuille. The company focuses on photovoltaic rooftop installations in Toulouse en Occitanie, mainly for private households. Moreover, Tech’Solaire also offers maintenance and repair services for their customers.

Image Source: Bill Mead via Unsplash (26.04.2024)