
List of 3 Renewable Energy Investors from France

France is, as are most European countries, striving to fullfill their goals in the energy change. With low reserves of oil or gas, the country is dependent on other sources of energy. In the last years more and more attention was given to renewable energy sources such as solar or wind energy, leading to an […]

List of 3 Renewable Energy Investors from Spain

As most European countries, Spain generates more and more energy from renewable sources. In 2020 the share of renewable energy has been the highest its ever been with roughly 43% of all power. Not only because of the sun is Spain an an interesting investment field – Spain has around 7-8 hours sun per day, […]

List of 3 Renewable Energy Developers in Spain

The strong sun in Spain does not only attract tourists, but also developers of renewable energy. Due to the many hours of sunshine per day and the long summer season, the conditions for photovoltaic solar farms are very suitable. For this reason, many renewable energy developers are based on the Spanish mainland and expedite from […]

List of 3 Renewable Energy Developers in France

French developers are in the majority characterized by their years of experience and use of the latest technologies. Active in multiple fields of renewable energy, the French developer industry drives the energy transition forward by shaping the global development and thereby the improvement of renewable energy generation. Based on this standing, three of the top […]

List of 3 Renewable Energy Developers in Scandinavia

The Scandinavian developers are highly valued in the renewable energy industry. In addition to the large portfolio of realized renewable energy projects, they are above all characterized by the constant urge for improvement and further progression. By aiming the energy transition, Scandinavian developers are evolving new technologies that convert the generation of energy to an […]

List of 3 Renewable Energy Investors in the United Kingdom

The Year 2020 was an important year for the renewable energy sector for countries all across Europe, the United Kingdom being one of them. In the UK, the energy generated from renewable energy sources surpassed fossil fuels with almost a quarter of energy generated from wind farms. Alltogether, the UK’s renewable energy now accounts for […]

List of 3 Renewable Energy Developers in the United Kingdom

Due to the geographic and climatic of the United Kingdom, many developers for renewable energy systems are based there. Especially Onshore wind projects are realized by those developers, which is why these entrepreneurs usually have a lot of experience. In this article, the top three developers in field of renewable energy from the United Kingdom […]