The renewable energy capacity in Scandinavian countries has been growing steadily during the past two centuries. In this article, we focus on solar energy in Scandinavia and have picked the largest solar projects in Finland, Sweden and Denmark to present to you.
1) Finland: 500MW photovoltaic farm
A consortium of different companies is planning a 500MW photovoltaic farm in Palloneva. Polloneva is located in the Southern Ostrobothnia region of Finland. The already addressed consortium consists of De Vrije Wind, Kaskisten Tuulivoima Oy and Kauhanummi Oy and developer ATP Palloneva Oy oversees development and construction of the project. Commissioning of the large-scale solar project is expected to happen in 2024.
Location: Palloneva (Finland)
Developer: ATP Palloneva Oy
2) Sweden: 450MW solar project
Finnish energy firm Ilmatar Energy is currently preparing development of a large-scale solar project in Sweden with a capacity of 450MW. This project would supply electricity to approximately 25,000 households. The solar plant will be located in the forests in Tönnersjö in Halland county, Sweden. Additionally, Ilmatar Energy has the ambition to construct an even larger solar facility in the country: The energy firm is proposing a 550MW solar project in the municipality of Motala. At the moment, the proposals for the large solar facility are in the middle of the permit process.
Location: Tönnersjö (Sweden)
Developer: Ilmatar Energy
3) Denmark: 300MW solar park
Last, but not least is the 300MW Kassø solar park in Denmark. Already reflected in the name of the large solar plant, it is located near Kassø in the municipality of Aabenraa in Southern Denmark. At the time of preparing development, its owner European Energy had the plan to build the largest solar park in Northern Europe. Thanks to projects like the others on this list, this plan did not work out. Nonetheless, this solar park is the largest in Denmark and has an important impact on Denmark reaching its sustainable energy goals. Since its commission in July 2022, the plant supplies enough electricity for over 75,000 households.
Location: near Kassø, Aabenraa (Denmark)
Developer: European Energy
Image: Benoît Deschasaux via Unsplash (05.07.2023)