
List of 3 Renewable Energy Startups founded in the United Kingdom

In December 2020, almost 41% of the total electricity produced in the UK were generated through renewable energy resources. This development shows that the contribution made by renewable energy resources to UK power generation has more than doubled since 2014 – and yet an increase is still possible. That’s why many startups are founded in […]

List of 3 Renewable Energy Startups founded in Scandinavia

In Denmark, Sweden and Norway, the renewable energy has been growing steadily during the last few years. While each country uses their resources best and focuses on their main category (Denmark on wind power, Sweden on biofuels and Norway on hydropower), Scandinavia is also an important player when it comes to innovative business ideas and […]

List of 3 Renewable Energy Startups founded in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, the leading renewable energy resources are biomass, wind, solar and both geothermal and aerothermal power – but yet only 11.1% of total Dutch energy consumption are generated through the use of renewable energy. To accelerate this transition toward a more sustainable and greener energy future of the country, various startups are entering […]

List of 3 Renewable Energy Startups founded in Spain

In the context of renewable energy, Spain is known for its optimum conditions for wind and solar energy generation. Not only global players have their headquarter in Spain, but also small renewable energy firm are based there. As the government has committed to installing at least 3,000 megawatts of wind and solar power capacity every […]

List of 3 Renewable Energy Startups founded in Germany

Germany is known for being a pioneer in new developments and an important player in the global economy. In the market of renewable energy, Germany is also an important driver of innovation, by not only creating new ideas but also promoting them through statutory regulations. That’s why we – the team – would like […]

List of 3 renewable energy service provider in France

France is home to one of the most important renewable energy players in Europe and worldwide. While nuclear power is still the most relevant and biggest energy source for France, hydroelectric power is the second largest source of electricity generation. The market is therefore active and important – accordingly, service providers are also becoming increasingly […]

List of 3 renewable energy service providers in the UK

Renewable – or ‘green’ – energy is one of the rising industries all over the world and also in Europe. The United Kingdom has high goals and wants to draw a significant amount of electricity from renewable energy, aiming to reach 100% by 2035. Most renewable energy is generated by wind energy, followed by photovoltaic […]

List of 3 renewable energy service providers in Germany

Germany has been a pioneer in renewable energy in various analyses and is considered a driver of achieving climate neutrality. With expertise in wind energy, solar energy and biomass, the country in central Europe is also broadly positioned. Accordingly, there is a high demand for service providers who advise, build and take care of existing […]

List of 3 renewable energy service providers in Spain

Spain is one of the sunniest country in Europe – therefore solar energy is a given renewable energy source. The share of renewable energy in the end use is over 40% with the goal of climate neutrality by 2050 through 100% renewable energy. Therefore the market for renewable energy is as relevant as ever in […]

List of 3 renewable energy corporate finance and deal advisory companies in Europe

Renewable Energy is a high-demand market where more and more money is flowing – by private investors but also by institutional investors. Accordingly, more and more consultancies are accumulating that have focused on corporate finance and deal advisory. In the following article, three of the most important European renewable energy corporate finance and deal advisory […]